Early Intervention and Preschool Services
Early intervention and preschool services applies to children from birth to school age who appear to have or be at risk for developing a handicapping condition or other special need that may affect their development. Early Intervention and preschool services provides educational and rehabilitative services to such children and their families for the purpose of lessening the effects of the condition and to promote greater independence for the child. Early intervention and preschool services can be remedial or preventive in nature--remediating existing developmental problems or preventing their occurrence.
Early intervention and preschool services may focus on the child alone or on the child and the family together. Early intervention and preschool programs may be center-based, home-based, hospital-based, or a combination. Services range from identification--that is, hospital or school screening and referral services--to diagnostic and direct intervention programs. Early intervention may begin at any time between birth and 3 years of age. Preschool services may begin at anytime between 3 and 5 years of age.
A referral to the Early Intervention Program in your county will start the process of approved evaluation with the potential of subsequent plans for services. Contact the Early Intervention Program in your local area:
Putnam County: (845) 228-2847
Rockland County: (845) 364-2620
Westchester County: (914) 813-5094
Orange County: (845) 291-2333
Dutchess County: (845) 486-2759
United States Military Academy EDIS Program @ Keller Army Community Hospital: (845) 938-2741
Early Intervention and preschool services authorized by your local municipality, United States Department of Defense or school district are provided at no cost to you. Your child’s health insurance may be used to cover some of the costs. All other costs for Early Intervention and Preschool Program services are paid by your county, New York State or the United States Department of Defense (for military personnel located at West Point). The municipality will arrange for service providers that best match the needs of the child and family.